Making Your Garage Door More Energy Efficient
As a key entryway to your home, your garage door is often integral in making your home as energy efficient as possible. With rising energy costs and utility bills, there has never been a more important time to review your home efficiency.
An unsealed, uninsulated, or malfunctioning garage door can greatly increase heating costs, as more hot air escapes the home, replaced by colder temperatures. This results in spending more for longer periods of time to keep your entire home heated as the energy escapes.
Often the largest and least insulated area of any home, your garage door is a prime culprit for energy loss. Making your garage door more energy efficient can directly impact lower energy bills. And that’s something we could all enjoy these days. Here’s our top tips on improving the energy efficiency of your garage door.
Insulate Your Garage Door
Insulating your garage door is one of the most effective ways to make it more energy efficient. Garage doors can be made from different materials, however those made from metal have less natural insulation than a wooden garage door for example. DIY options including foam boards or reflective foil are available to help improve your insulation at home.
But it’s not Winter and Summer is Coming
A common resistance to insulating garage doors in Spring or Summer months is that it’s naturally warmer and you’re using your heating less. This may be true, however insulation is as much about keeping heat out externally as it is keeping it internally. Insulated garage doors during warmer periods keeps areas indoors cooler, lowering costs to run air conditioning or fans.
Maintain Your Garage Door
Regular maintenance can also help to keep your garage door energy efficient. Lubricating the moving parts, cleaning the tracks, and checking the weatherstripping for wear and tear can all help to keep your garage door functioning properly and prevent energy loss.
Seal Gaps in the Door & Frame
Even with an insulated garage door, gaps around the edges can allow air to escape, reducing the effectiveness of the insulation. Weatherstripping can be used to seal any gaps around the door, preventing air from escaping and reducing energy loss.
Upgrade Your Electric Garage Door Control
Older electric garage door openers can use up to 500 watts of power every time you use them. Upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient opener can reduce your energy consumption and save you money on your energy bills.
Newer openers come with features like automatic shutoff, which turns off the opener after a set period of time, and motion sensors, which turn the opener on and off based on movement in the garage.
Contact Power Doors to Discuss A New Energy Efficient Garage Door
Making your garage door more energy efficient is a simple and effective way to save money on your energy bills. Insulating your garage door, sealing any gaps, upgrading your garage door opener, and maintaining your garage door are all great ways to improve energy efficiency in your home. Contact Power Doors today to discuss how a new garage door can help to save you money and reduce your carbon footprint.
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